I’m coming home. Brussels Airlines went on strike and canceled my flight home so I took advantage and made Speakers For Africa bigger and stronger than I could have ever imagined.
Everything in Uganda takes twice as long and ten times harder than it should. But, oh how I love that place. We Americans have a lot to learn from Uganda and I believe being around that kind of serenity and happiness is the wealth they possess and we lack.
Plus a little sickness also delayed me a bit. I hope I didn’t worry anyone. But I am fine now. I am returning healthy.
Thanks to a brilliant and courageous team, we were able to spread our message from the ghetto communities of Kampala to the islands of Lake Victoria, Mbarara in the west and Sererere, in N. Uganda (Soroti). We started a couple of ghetto school soccer teams and helped a ghetto laboratory and youth center. We have partnered with tech companies to help in whatever ways we can.
We stand for education and youth development, sustainability, and environmental protection.
We registered as an official business with intentions to be a registered international NGO in Uganda—nothing like getting our 501(c)(3) in the US. In fact, we were told nearly impossible. But I believe we will succeed because we only bring love and support to our people. We want to give Ugandans the small tools they need to take charge of their lives.
I was on Next Radio and UBS T.V. speaking loudly about our mission.
We made official connections with Uganda’s best artist (in my opinion), Cindy sanyu— Much more to come from that. We believe music is paramount to people’s happiness and an effective way to spread messages. One of which is: get up and get to work. What did you do for your community today?
Now I’m coming back to the US. I did what I’ve wanted to do my whole life— we made some real impact and started some sustainable growth for our brothers and sisters of Uganda.
UG is my home too and I came to empower people. We brought small tablets and phones to kids in poor schools. We brought you live, real time information about how your donations help and reach the people. We also showed you that Uganda is a worthwhile investment and should be embraced.
There’s a lot to do, but Speakers For Africa will be massive someday.
I’m very proud us. Couldn’t have gotten the opportunity to make this so big without the help of our donors. Thank you. What you did really helped people.
Special thank you to Emma Marie and Chris Lang and Kayla Boyes. The Lang institute has officially launched.
Thank you Sharon Marshall Woods and Greg Goodfliesh and Krystal. Thank you Laurie Baumer and Ebony and Vine.
We appreciate you.
Speakers for Africa is a new, interactive and fully transparent way to help and engage with Africa.
Thank you
Forerio Gitta
Bright Onak Tweteise Omwiitira
Deejay GucHi
(And everyone else who helped keep me and my things safe).